There’s nothing worse than getting on the road and realizing you need to stop for a snack.

Here are 10 travel friendly snacks that you can bring along for the ride! Most of these options are Gluten free

  1. Nuts
  2. Popcorn
  3. Pretzels *For gluten free try Snyder’s Gluten Free Pretzles!
  4. Granola Bars
  5. Apples
  6. Small bags of chips
  7. Fruit snacks
  8. Beef jerky
  9. String Cheese
  10. Grapes

Don’t forget a few bottles of water!

Try organizing your snacks in portion sizes to avoid over eating.
Check out Every Day Dishes for an awesome way of storing snacks.
Another way is to put bento boxes together, its a fun way to make your food compact and organized.